Restoring and Reconnecting Your Gentleness: Your Limits

How often are you able to feel safe and secure to the point where you can allow your gentleness to show in everyday life?  Do you recognize your own gentle nature?  Many of us are extremely harsh on ourselves:  we ignore, neglect, deny, and even betray our own physical and emotional needs on a daily basis.  Are you aware of your limits?

Do you respect your “Limits”?

What holds you back from treating yourself kindly, with gentle loving care?  When you feel tired physically or emotionally, do you recognize that you need a break, just a brief moment?  Can you give yourself time to slow down, rest, and recover?  Or do you always try to “power through” everything?  

Impact on your body

When we continue to power through daily activities with no attention to the needs of  our own body and mind, sooner or later, we will spiral into emotional illnesses such as anxiety, depression, or panic attacks.  Many physical illness, such as insomnia, digestive and stomach problems, physical fatigue, chronic pain or headaches are symptoms of continuing neglect of our own physical and emotional needs.  

Did you know that many of our emotional and physical illness could be prevented by our gentle self-care, to listen and respond to the needs of our mind and body? Gentleness to ourselves is the key.


It is a process, and the safe community of Living Harbor can help us learn to be both safe and open emotionally.  We will continue to discuss this process in upcoming blogs.  Meanwhile, you are welcome to connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn.  You may choose to be part of our community when you feel ready and in the manner with which you feel most comfortable.

Before having a healthy and meaningful relationship with others, having a healthy relationship with ourselves is the first step.  Let’s start our process , Restoring and Reconnecting Your Healthy True Self™.  We look forward to seeing you in upcoming gatherings, either online or face-to-face or both.